Friday, February 11, 2011

6: Hammurabi's Top Five

  1. If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be hewn off. -> people these days don't respect their parents. I was watching 16 and Pregnant and this girl hit her mom and it was just so rude. People would think twice if their body parts were at stake.
  2. If a man takes a woman as a wife, but has no intercourse with her, this woman is no wife to him. -> Marriage and sex go hand in hand? If theres no sex get an annulment because its not a real relationship.
  3. If a man puts out the eye of an equal, his eye shall be put out. -> That's fair to me?
  4. If anyone opens his ditches to water his crop, but is careless, and the water floods his neighbor's field, he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss. -> Normally two wrongs don't make a right, but this guy might starve. So own up to your mistakes and pay your neighbor back.
  5. If a judge tries a case, reaches a decision, and presents his judgment in writing; and later it is discovered that his decision was in error, and it was his own fault, he shall pay twelve times the fine set by him in the case and be removed from the judge's bench. -> We could really use this rule today in our corrupt government. Judges could be bribed or blackmailed and whatnot. So like this would be a solution. I think it'd work nicely.

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